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Monday, October 31, 2011

Seven Warning Signs During Pregnancy

For some expectant mothers, a little pain can lead to the emergence of dangerous alarm and direct visit to the obstetrician.For expectant mothers who else, the same pain sometimes ignored. They think it is a normal occurrence in pregnancy.
Here are seven signs that could potentially cause serious complications during pregnancy.

1.Bleeding in any trimester

Severe bleeding accompanied by abdominal pain extremely well as being menstrual cramps, or feel faint and everything will happen in the first trimester, it could be a sign of pregnancy outside the womb.Heavy bleeding with cramps can also be a sign of miscarriage in the first trimester or early second trimester.

2. Nausea and vomiting are severe.

Nausea and vomiting worse until you can not hold any food in the stomach quite a dangerous situation.This can lead to dehydration and in danger of malnutrition, which can cause birth defects to preterm birth.
There is a safe drug that can be taken to control it.Maybe the doctor will recommend dietary changes, so you can find foods that do not cause nausea and vomiting.

3. Significantly decreased fetal activity

What does it mean if a potential baby, which is usually very keen to move, suddenly looks like a lack of energy?If the baby in the womb is not actively engaged as usual, so the fetus can not get enough oxygen and nutrients from the placenta.
How can we know?.Drink or eat something cold and then sleeping in a sloping position. Hold on whether the fetus will move.
The number of kicks can also be used as an indicator. There is no standard for it, but 10 or more kicks in two hours is the normal amount.
If less than that, immediately contact a doctor. Doctors have suitable tools to see if the fetus under normal conditions, moving, and grow according to the age of the womb.

4. Contractions early in the third trimester.

Contractions can be a sign of premature birth. Unfortunately, many expectant mothers who confuse the true with the birth sign marks the birth of the "fake" ( false labor).
False labor called Braxton-Hicks contractions. Contraction of the type that simply can not be predicted, not beritme and intensity did not increase. It will usually disappear within an hour or when you drink. While it marks the birth of a real contraction has intervals of 10 minutes or less and the intensity increased.
What peling important thing is do not mess with the safety of newborn babies. If you are experiencing a contraction in the third trimester, do not waste time. Immediately see a physician. If the baby is still too young to be born, the doctor has births procrastination tool.

5.Rupture of amniotic fluid

You're walking into the kitchen and felt there dalarn large quantities of water flowed both feet. It could be due to a ruptured amniotic fluid. Or could the bladder. If you are not sure whether the water is amniotic fluid or urine, try to use the bathroom and urinate. If the fluid continues to flow, meaning that the amniotic fluid. You should immediately see a doctor or hospital.

6. Headaches constant, abdominal pain, visual disturbances, and swelling during the third trimester.

All the symptoms that could be a sign of preeclampsia. It is a serious condition that occurs during pregnancy and can be dangerous. Preeclampsia is characterized by high blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine which normally occurs after the 20th week of pregnancy.

7. Symptoms of flu

In flu season, pregnant women usually will easily catch the flu than those who are not pregnant. That's because pregnancy gives added stress to the immune system. In addition, pregnant women at high risk for developing serious complications from flu.
Symptoms of flu include fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. If you are not pregnant and have symptoms of flu, as much as possible refrain from pregnant women; so that they are not infected.

In addition, if the expectant mother has a fever with body temperature above 38 degrees Celsius, there was a sign of infection. Again, do not delay to go to the doctor if it occurs.

Source : Kompas

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