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Monday, October 4, 2010

5 Foods For A Healthy Heart

If you can successfully integrate these 5 foods for a healthy heart, your chances of heart disease, high cholesterol and high blood pressure will be significantly reduced. Plus, many of these foods will help keep you fit and lean. Try to include the following food items in your diet a few times week, and if you’re worried about the taste, don’t worry; alcohol actually made the heart healthy list!

1. Just go nuts. Nuts contain mono and polyunsaturated fats, which are good fats that you actually want in your diet, unlike artery-clogging saturated and trans fats. Make sure to limit your intake to just a handful, however, or you can rack up calories quickly. Also, only buy unsalted varieties of nuts. Almonds and walnuts are your best bet, so try adding some to your morning cereal, a salad, or just eat them as a snack.
2. Get fishy for a healthy heart. Fish like tuna and salmon provide omega-3 fatty acids, which can reduce your blood pressure and your chance of blood clots. Aim to eat fish at least two times a week. Some great meals for a healthy heart include a tuna salad sandwich with light mayo on wheat bread or dinner of baked salmon, asparagus, and brown rice. Prepare the fish with a little bit of olive oil, and your ticker will thank you for it.
3. Start your day with oatmeal. Oatmeal is filled with fiber, which prevents LDL cholesterol (the bad kind) from being completely absorbed into your body and thus, can lower your cholesterol levels. For an even healthier breakfast, throw in some fresh blueberries, which is another heart healthy food rich in antioxidants. And if you want to be a heart healthy breakfast champion, add flaxseed to your oatmeal as well for some omega-3 fatty acids.
4. Have a glass. Yes, alcohol (red wine to be exact) made the list of healthy items for your heart. Of course, drink only in moderation; most doctors recommend drinking one glass of red wine a day. Red wine is filled with flavonoids, a type of antioxidant, and can increase your HDL cholesterol (the good kind) and also prevent blood clotting. Cheers to that hearth healthy piece of news!
5. Eat your spinach. Spinach won’t just give you huge muscles; it will also give you a healthy heart. The leafy vegetable is full of potassium, which can lower sodium levels in your body and help reduce hypertension. The antioxidant power of spinach also helps reduce LDL cholesterol levels. Eat your spinach uncooked in salads and sandwiches or cook it up in an egg white omelet for a supremely heart healthy, low fat meal.

Original source : Mademan

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