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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Alternative medicine antidote to bad breath....

Bad breath of course very disturbing appearance in daily life.Despite diligent brushing, sometimes bad breath is still disruptive.Unfortunately, unpleasant breath odor can interfere with your sexual activity.

Some plants can be used as herb medicine to ward off bad breath:

1. Clove

Clove oil contains can improve the function of the stomach so that digestive better.In addition, clove oil is believed to reduce inflammation, particularly that occurs in the mouth and throat mucous membranes as one of the triggers bad breath.

To get his usefulness as an antidote to bacterial mouthwash bad breath, here's how mixes:
Take 3 to 5 clove flower.Brewed with enough water for about 5 minutes, then chill.Use this water to rinse.

Alternatively, take a few grains of dry clove.Mashed to pieces, soak in a glass of warm water.After 30 minutes, the water can be used for rinsing.

2. Betel
In the tradition of Indonesian society, chewing betel trusted very good for oral health.Chewing betel leaf is considered to strengthen teeth, heal minor wounds in mouth, eliminate bad breath, and stop bleeding gums.The tradition of community tempt scientists to prove the clinical efficacy of betel leaf.From research conducted at the Laboratory of Biochemistry Institute Pertanian Bogor (IPB) revealed, in the volatile oil of betel leaf has antibacterial activity is quite large.

Wash thoroughly some betel leaves and then boiled with 1.5 cups of water.Once cool, boiled water is used for rinsing after brushing your teeth.

Get 10-15 red betel leaves that have been washed, boiled with 400 cc (two glasses of water) until the remaining 200 cc, then strain.While warm, use water to rinse his mouth.

Cinnamon is a spice that is used as a flavor enhancer or baking dish.In addition, this herb is also known to have various benefits, including reducing the odor that comes out of mouth.

Because efficacious, cinnamon developed as a mixture of chewing gum, herbal medicine industry, and beauty products.Chemical properties of cinnamon is warm,spicy, fragrant, and slightly sweet.Content of chemical substances such as volatile oil, safrole, tannins, sinamadehide, eugenol.

Recent research in the United States shows, the use of cinnamon in the gum can overcome the problem of bad breath.Apparently cinnamon not only able to disguise the scent was pleasant, but also contain substances that can decrease the concentration of bacteria in the mouth.

To take advantage of cinnamon as a mouthwash busting bacteria that cause bad breath, quite easy.Boil two sticks of cinnamon with enough water to boil.Boil two sticks of cinnamon with enough water to boiling.Once cool, use water to rinse.

Among fans of herbs, cardamom is known as an expectorant as well as antibacterial.Several studies have shown that the secret of efficacy that was derived from volatile oil cineol content.

Sineol similar, but not the same as eukaliptol eucalyptus, this is more spicy.However, when used as a mouthwash, then it was cool.In fact, this material is used to make fake peppermint.

There are two ways to get the benefits of cardamom:
For the mouthwash, crushed cardamom seeds and boil and filter drinking water.Alternatively, cardamom seeds boiled with clean water.Once cooked and cool,boiled water can be used for mouthwash.Rinse mouth after brushing your teeth.

In order to obtain the maximum usefulness, usually prior to use, cardamom fruit stored in intact form without unpeeled.Just when they wanted to use, peel the outer skin and then take the seeds.

Source : Kompas

1 comment:

  1. Bad breath halitosis is a chronic condition that can have many causes, and is often persistent. While it generally manifests as bad breath, it doesn't always originate in the same place, nor can each case be cured the same way. The tongue is host to huge quantities of natural bacteria, and although they serve an important function, they produce a large amount of fatty acids and poor smelling chemical by-products, which eventually lead to bad breath halitosis. Click here to know more about Receding gums
