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Friday, November 21, 2008

Yoga is friendly exercise for all age

YOGA surely not a foreign word for our ears. But, what yoga Indeed it? Yoga is a holistic system of health (holistic), which formed from the ancient culture of India since 3000 BC ago. Yoga or yuj in the ancient language of Sanskrit means union (fusion). Unification between Atman and Brahman (the infinite power). Essentially, with yoga, one can know more about the body, while his Lord.

There are nine forms of yoga flow that is adapted to the special needs students to yoga, namely: Jnana yoga, karma yoga, Bhakti yoga, yoga, Yantra, tantra yoga, yoga, mantras, kundailini yoga, hatha yoga, yoga, and the king.

The flow is widely used today is hatha yoga atawa unification through control of the body and napas.

Hatha is a combination of two words, namely ha and friendly means, and the sun is not. Hatha yoga techniques focus on the asana ('s), pranayama (napas processing), bandha (locks), mudra (gestur), and deep relaxation.

Hatha goal is to maintain this balance alarm fifth body with the principles of yoga practice. These principles are a regular practice, breathing in, eating a balanced pattern, adequate rest, positive thinking and meditation.

Movement yoga variations are many, ranging from simple to very complex. According to Pujiastuti Sindhu, Chairperson of Yoga Leaf in Bandung, there are 840,000 in the yoga asana. So, all people, from children up to age and pregnant women, can do yoga.

Therefore, women who daily disapa Test suggest that the perpetrators are not too compelling yoga, a yoga movement. "All in accordance with the needs and capabilities," he said.

Test also recommend that anyone do yoga, do the asana with the principles of sweet discomfort or limit between comfortable and uncomfortable. "If you feel the body voltage increases, that means you too force the body. Cue the body to intensify further when he was ready," said Test.

For beginners, needed a bertrofski or as a yoga teacher. Yogi will guide the newcomer, provide knowledge about healthy lifestyles, and can provide guidance when bermeditasi. Benefits of yoga practice is to improve the working endocrine functions in the body, improve blood circulation to cells throughout the body and brain, and form a body that's more robust.

Not only that, yoga, make muscles more flexible and stronger, increase the capacity of the lungs when breathing, and remove the poison from the body.

Yoga also slows aging, purify nerve center found in the vertebrae, reduce tension body, mind and mental, and stronger when facing stress.

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