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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Electronic cigarette ......... really safer for the health .....?

Lately, we often see the advertisements on the electronic cigarette to appear to replace the conventional cigarettes.That said, using an electric cigarette is far more healthful than regular cigarettes.Electronic Cigarette also called greener and more efficient because it can be refilled.An electronic cigarette ad mentions,"The main benefit of using an electrionic cigarette is that you don’t inhale the smoke from burning tobacco which can damage your lungs and other parts of the body. Instead of burning the tobacco to get the nicotine you instead vaporize e-fluid".Not surprisingly, many addicts who are interested in using electronic cigarettes sold under the label health.

Basically, the electronic cigarette is like a conventional cigarette, both form and how to use it.The difference is, that the electronic cigarette does not burn tobacco.Electronic cigarette contains a liquid that burned using the batteries and steam into the lung that give the sensation like smoking in general.In the process, the liquid used for these electric cigarettes taste a variety of tastes users customize.

Afterwards, the substance is contained in the liquid used in the electronic cigarette?.Wikipedia mentions that the fluid used for electric cigarette on generally contain propylene glycol, nicotine and glycerin with propylene glycol as the highest content reaches 80% -85% range.

Although claimed as a cigarette is more healthful, some states give special attention to these kinds of cigarettes.Without prejudice to the effect of a
conventional cigarette, electronic cigarette is believed this was the same kind of danger to health.Quoted from Kompas, BPOM, a drug and food control agencies in Indonesia, stating that the electronic cigarette no better and no safer than conventional cigarettes.Obviously, a better option is to not smoke anymore at all.Healthier, more efficient and reduce the risk of diseases that plagued the tobacco enthusiasts.

1 comment:

  1. The main benefit of using an electrionic cigarette is that you don’t inhale the discount cigarettes online smoke from burning tobacco which can damage your lungs and other parts of the body.
